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Sunday, July 1, 2007

Col. Dr. Isms

1. I'm paranoid about anyone who is not paranoid about me.

2. Life in America is like rohypnol. You know you got fucked, you just can't tell by whom.

3. Two wrongs don't make a right. Three wrongs make an American auto industry.

4. They tell you I'm insane for criticising wage slavery. They tell each other you're crazy for submitting to it.

5. A communist should be like a stem cell, entirely human, but ready to be assigned to its special function in the body. Unfortunately, most communists are like foreign sports cars that come with unintelligible instructions, no spare parts, and rich, pretentious owners.

6. To an American, sharing is evil, unless it is a disease for which they have a reasonably priced cure.

7. America is pure evil. Period.

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