WARNING! This blog is offensive. It is for entertainment purposes only. Any persons mentioned on this blog, whether they resemble any person living or dead, are fictional, and are used for educational or entertainment purposes only, because you are too stupid to "get it" without character play.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Final Clarity, Farewells

First of all, let me be frank. Fuck you.

To all of you, and this includes the whiner limeys first and foremost, you all sold out because apparently, dedication to preventing war is just another fad with you.

Being so fucking shallow, I was embarrassed to have called you all friend. While you're all whoring your lives to whatever simple fancies your corporate whoremasters come up with to keep the people perpetually confined to economic slavery, I've decided to turn my "friendship" of you into a faddish thing.

It has passed, and in the same way a meal which lasts an hour ends up as shit that lasts a lifetime, my "affection" for you has run its natural course, and is a rather virile hatred of you, your fucking pompous bullshit, your arrogant thoughts that I'm the one who changed or is somehow fucking the world over, or whatever trip it is you're on.

I taught you things you will never have the chance to learn again. I introduced you to the realm of the real world, where the guns are always loaded, and people who fuck up stay dead. If you can honestly turn around and crawl back into the womb of the numb middle class, then I declare you unregenerated and heretical.

You are not good enough to live in the real world. As we fucking noble ones say, you can't hack it. Go 'way punk, you bother me.

So farewell. I have found love, and believe me, she is an eternity greater a wretch that the worst of you could hope to be. At last my heart has found someone in which it can rejoice.

Done, done with the frauds, the cowards, the lice-infested barrel rummagers in life's garbage. Onto my greatest glories and the highest planes of truth. Away, you scavengers, beauty is afoot, and all you have earned is the mud at the bottom of the puddle.

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